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Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions

Regarding the personal data collected by this contract or the legal relationship that arises, KB EMPORDA, S.L. (acting under the commercial name of BELLEZA PLUS) informs that they will be incorporated into a file under their own responsibility with the sole purpose of complying with the commitments derived from the contract and the applicable regulations. Likewise, KB EMPORDA, S.L. informs that the owners of the data may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by appearing or writing in writing, attaching a photocopy of their ID, to our address at C/ Aigüeta number 86, 17100-LA BISBAL D'EMPORDÀ or to our email. email: info@bellezaplus.com

In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, we inform you that the data obtained from this form will be incorporated into an automated file under the responsibility of KB EMPORDA, S.L. in order to answer your questions and send you related information that may be of interest to you. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing, attaching a photocopy of your ID, to our address at C / Aigüeta number 86, 17100-LA BISBAL D'EMPORDÀ or to our email: info@bellezaplus.com

Until you inform us otherwise, we will understand that your data has not been modified, that you agree to notify us of any variation and that we have your consent to use it for the aforementioned purposes.

Sending this data implies acceptance of this clause. "


In order to comply with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of LSSI, it is reported that the person responsible for this website is KB EMPORDA, S.L., NIF B-67902361, with address at c/ Aigúeta number 86, tel.640616505 and email info@bellezaplus.com

Browsing this website will imply, in any case, total and unconditional acceptance of the conditions of use and navigation, which is why we recommend reading it beforehand.


1. Purpose of the website.

The website aims to market perfumery, hairdressing, cosmetics, beauty and personal care products in general through the company KB EMPORDA S.L. (acting under the commercial name of BELLEZA PLUS), hereinafter the person responsible.

2. Use of the website.

2.1. General aspects about the use of the website. “USER” condition.

“USER” will be anyone who accesses the website.

The use of this website implies in any case the full and unconditional acceptance of all the general conditions included in this clause, so the user will be solely responsible for knowing them prior to browsing the site. Therefore, we recommend the user read them carefully before starting navigation.

3.2. Use of non-commercial informational content.

The non-commercial information that the website may contain is for informational purposes only. Users are warned that the contents and information on the website will be current on the date of publication, so they may not be updated at the time of the user's visit.

In no case will it be understood that there is a relationship between the person responsible and the user by simply browsing the website.

For a relationship to effectively exist, the user must have expressly contracted the purchase of the product(s) and have proceeded to pay, in accordance with the provisions of the contracting conditions.

Likewise, the person responsible reserves the right to update, modify or delete content and information from the website as well as to limit or not allow access, all without prior notice. For this reason, the person responsible will not be responsible for any possible damages or harm that could arise from errors on the website. The person responsible will also be exempt from liability for damages or losses caused by interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, failures in the operating system or any other circumstances that may occur due to causes beyond the control of the website.

4. Industrial and intellectual property.

In accordance with Law 17/2001 of December 17, on Trademarks, and other related regulations, all industrial and intellectual property rights that appear on this website, such as images, logos, and texts, as well as others, are reserved. that could be introduced. All of them are owned by the person responsible, who reserves the use and exploitation of them exclusively and exclusively. Therefore, the use, transmission, distribution, reproduction and exploitation of them by third parties - whether or not they are users of the website - is expressly prohibited.

 5. Introduction of Links, Links, Hyperlinks or Hyperlinks.

The introduction of any link, link, hyperlink or hyperlink by a third party to this page will not imply, at any time, the pre-existence of a relationship of any kind between the person who establishes it and the website. The person responsible is in any case exempt from liability for the consequences that may arise from said action.

 6. Privacy regulations for the protection of personal data.

6.1. Regulations applicable to users.

6.1.1. Data Collect.

The person responsible informs that by the mere fact of browsing the website no personal data of the user is obtained.

Notwithstanding this, by responding to the questions raised in the forms and sending them, the User expressly authorizes KB EMPORDA S.L. (acting under the commercial name of BELLEZA PLUS) to send them information and communications of a commercial nature of interest. relating to the perfumery, cosmetics, beauty and personal care sectors in general.

In any case, and in compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data, the person responsible has the corresponding files duly registered with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Therefore, all the data collected will be incorporated into the corresponding file for which the person responsible for the website is responsible.

KB EMPORDA, S.L. (acting under the commercial name BELLEZA PLUS) also has a social profile on Facebook and Twitter, for informational purposes only. In no case will personal data be extracted from said social accounts without the prior consent or request of the owner thereof.

Any person who has communicated their data by any means has the right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose them through written communication signed by the interested party to the address indicated above, providing all their data (name, address and photocopy of ID). by sending an email to info@bellezaplus.com

In any case, the person responsible undertakes to always and in all cases treat his/her data with the utmost confidentiality, as well as not to use the aforementioned data for purposes other than those strictly derived from the commercial purpose.

For his part, the user, undertakes to keep his data updated and will be solely responsible for the consequences (damages) that failure to update may entail. He will therefore also be responsible for the lack of inaccuracy and veracity of the data he has provided to the person responsible.

7. Use of cookies.

In accordance with Royal Decree-Law 13/2012 of March 30, we inform that the website http://www.bellezaplus.com uses Google Analytics (service offered by Google Inc.) to analyze information related to the type of visits that the website receives and subsequently produces evaluation reports. In order to carry out this analysis, it is essential that Google Analytics installs a series of cookies on your computer intended solely to record and evaluate said information.

This information will be recorded on servers owned by Google Inc, located in the US, although said entity undertakes not to disclose it.

In any case, the user can adjust their navigation through the pop-up provided in the horizontal margin in order to establish and guarantee their privacy during navigation.

Analytics Cookies: Every time a User visits a Website or Service, a tool from an external provider (Google Analytics, comScore and similar) generates an analytical cookie on the user's device. This cookie, which is only generated during the visit, will be used on future visits to the services of this website to anonymously identify the visitor. The main objectives pursued are:

Allow the anonymous identification of browsing users through the “Cookie” (identifies browsers and devices, not people) and therefore the approximate accounting of the number of visitors and their trend over time.

Anonymously identify the most visited content and therefore the most attractive to users

Know if the user who is accessing is new or repeat visit.

How to disable cookies in the browser Most browsers currently allow the user to configure whether and which cookies they want to accept. These settings are usually found in the 'options' or 'Preferences' menu of your browser. These are the instructions to configure cookies in the main browsers:

Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, you can consult Google support or browser Help.

Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings. For more information, you can consult Mozilla support or the browser Help.

Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings. For more information, you can consult Microsoft support or browser Help.

Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information, you can consult Apple Support or Browser Help.

8. Jurisdiction and applicable legislation.

These General Conditions of Use are governed by Spanish law. Any discrepancy, claim or controversy that may arise regarding the interpretation, compliance or non-compliance and/or application of these conditions must be expressly submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of Girona.